LIU et al. V. Kawase et al. - Page 2

                                    ORDERED that judgment on priority as to the subject matter of Count 2 (Paper                                          
                  22, p.2), is awarded against the junior party, XIAO LIU and MENG ZHU;                                                                   
                                    FURTHER ORDERED that junior party, XIAO LIU and MENG ZHU, is not                                                      
                  entitled to a patent containing claims 1-8 (corresponding to Count 2) of U.S. Patent 6,045,767;                                         
                                    FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this judgment be made of record in the                                                 
                  file of U.S. Patent 6,045,767 and 09/824,965;                                                                                           
                                    FURTHER ORDERED that if there is any settlement agreement which has not                                               
                  been filed, attention is directed to 35 U.S.C. § 135(c) and 37 CFR § 41.205.                                                            

                                             RICHARD E. SCHAFER                           )                                                               
                                             Administrative Patent Judge                  )                                                               
                                             ______________________________) BOARD OF PATENT                                                              
                                             RICHARD TORCZON                              )   APPEALS AND                                                 
                                             Administrative Patent Judge                  )  INTERFERENCES                                                
                                             MARK NAGUMO                                  )                                                               
                                             Administrative Patent Judge                  )                                                               

                  cc (facsimile):                                                                                                                         
                  Counsel for LIU:                                               Counsel for KAWASE:                                                      
                           Jean C. Edwards, Esq.                                          John B. Pegram, Esq.                                            
                           DICKINSON WRIGHT PLLC                                          FISH & RICHARDSON P.C.                                          
                           1901 L Street, N.W., Suite 800                                 Citigroup Center - 52nd Floor                                   
                           Washington, D.C.    20036-3506                                 153 East 53rd Street                                            
                                                                                          New York, N.Y.   10022-4611                                     
                           Fax: 202-659-1559                                                                                                              
                                                                                          Fax: 212-258-2291                                               

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Last modified: November 3, 2007