DIETZ-BAND et al v. GRAY et al - Page 4

                  of US patent 6,414,133 issued 2 July 2002, which correspond to count 1, the sole count in the                                           
                                    FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this judgment be given a paper number                                                  
                  and be entered in the administrative records of each of Dietz-Band's 6,414,133 patent and                                               
                  Gray's 10/608,092 application;                                                                                                          
                                    FURTHER ORDERED that Dietz-Band motions 1 through 8 and Gray motions 1                                                
                  through 3 are DISMISSED; and                                                                                                            
                                    FURTHER ORDERED that a recommendation is made under 35 USC                                                            
                  § 41.127(c) that, upon the resumption of ex parte prosecution of the Gray application, the                                              
                  examiner consider:                                                                                                                      
                           (1)      Dietz-Band motion 1 and Gray's opposition to the motion, and                                                          
                           (2)      Dietz-Band motion 2 and Gray's opposition to the motion,                                                              
                           and take any action that would be appropriate in view of the motions and oppositions.                                          
                                             FRED E. McKELVEY                                      )                                                      
                                             Senior Administrative Patent Judge                    )                                                      
                                             _________________________________ ) BOARD OF PATENT                                                          
                                             RICHARD TORCZON                                       )           APPEALS                                    
                                             Administrative Patent Judge                           )              AND                                     
                                                                                                   )     INTERFERENCES                                    
                                             _________________________________ )                                                                          
                                             SALLY GARDNER LANE                                    )                                                      
                                             Administrative Patent Judge                           )                                                      


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Last modified: November 3, 2007