Ex Parte Hajnal et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2005-0186                                                        
          Application No. 10/126,217                                                  

          relationships among the antennas relate directly to this                    
          respective sensitivity and the sensitivity profiles of the                  
          plurality of antennas used in Wang’s device.                                
               Based on the discussion at column 4 with respect to figure             
          1, it appears that each sub group 4, 5 and each coil within each            
          subgroup of antennas 4, 5 in figures 4 and 5 of the reference has           
          its own respective sensitivity.  Appellants admit at the middle             
          of page 8 of the principal brief on appeal that Wang teaches                
          multiplying or otherwise combining the signals to the extent such           
          a feature is recited at the end of representative claim 1 on                
          appeal.  Furthermore, it appears to us that as recognized by the            
          examiner with respect to figure 2, the combining operation as               
          reflected there mathematically actually “uses” the “relative                
          sensitivity of each [antenna] coil” at least to the extent of the           
          function E = D ÷ C.  Appellants’ remarks in the brief and reply             
          brief do not argue to us otherwise.                                         
               The figure 2 showing of Wang at least broadly compares to              
          appellants’ showing in specification figure 8.  We note the broad           
          relationships thereof as explained throughout the arguments                 
          are reflected in detail in the language of dependent claims                 
          10 through 12.  The actual manner in which the relative                     
          sensitivity of each coil is determined as disclosed is not                  

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