Ex Parte Smith et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2005-0711                                                        
          Application No. 09/943,644                                                  

               The examiner finds that Smith discloses the use of                     
          copolymers formed from pre-thermoset oligomeric solutions with              
          50% solids of “1-co-2" (see Scheme 2 on page 2) in optical                  
          waveguides (Answer, page 6).  The examiner also finds                       
          that example 2 of Babb discloses a copolymer of 4,4'-                       
          bis(trifluoroethenyloxy)-alpha-methylstilbene and 1,1,1-tris(4'-            
          trifluoroethenyloxyphenyl) ethane (TVE)(Answer, page 10).                   
               With regard to the secondary references, the examiner finds            
          that (1) Kennedy teaches spin coating and the effects of the                
          percent solids on the thickness of PFCB polymers (Answer, pages 7           
          and 11); (2) Fischbeck teaches optical waveguide coating coatings           
          of 10 microns for TVE-PFCB polymers in the formation of single              
          mode waveguides (id.); (3) Shacklette teaches the use of upper              
          cladding layers for optical waveguides (Answer, pages 8 and 11);            
          (4) Shah teaches that the simple choice of co-monomer allows                
          control of refractive indices, glass transition temperature and             
          long term thermal stability (id.); and (5) Kaneko teaches that              
          the polymers used in the core and cladding layers may be the same           
          materials or different, but the cured clad polymer must have a              
          refractive index less than that of the cured polymer core                   
          (Answer, page 8).                                                           

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