Ex Parte Nelken - Page 2

                    Interference No. 105,248                                                                                                             
                    Nelkin v. Horvitz                                                                                                                    
                            Neither party filed a non-priority substantive motion by the due date for such motions,                                      
                    July 19, 2005. On July 18, 2005, junior party Nelkin filed a paper (Paper No. 47) requesting                                         
                    entry of adverse judgment against junior party Nelkin. The request is granted. Itis                                                  

                            ORDERED that judgment as to the subject matter of Count I is herein entered against                                          
                   junior party YORAM NELKIN;                                                                                                            

                            FURTHER ORDERED that junior party YORAM NELKIN is not entitled to its patent                                                 

                    claim I which corresponds to Count 1;                                                                                                
                            FURTHER ORDERED that if there is a settlement agreement, the par-ties should note                                            

                    the requirements of 35 U.S.C. § 135(c) and Bd. Rule 205; and                                                                         

                            FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of thisjudgment be placed in the respective                                                      
                    involved application or patent of the parties.                                                                                       

                                             /ss/ Jameson Lee                                                                                            
                                             JAMESON LEE                                                                                                 
                                             Administrative Patent Judge                                                                                 

                                             /ss/ Sally C. Medley BOARD OF PATENT                                                                        
                                             SALLY C. MEDLEY APPEALS                                                                                     
                                             Administrative Patent Judge AND                                                                             

                                             /ss/ Mark Nagurno                                                                                           
                                             Administrative Patent Judge                                                                                 


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Last modified: November 3, 2007