Ex Parte KRAATZ - Page 2

         1        common owner, Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. to investigate and determine the prior                                                           
         2        inventors as between O’Sullivan and Kraatz. (Paper 34).                                                                                       
         3                  Syngenta has determined that O’Sullivan was the first to invent the subject                                                         
         4        matter of the count and requests adverse judgment as regards to Kraatz. (Paper 38).                                                           
         5                  Upon consideration of the Request for Adverse Judgment, it is hereby:                                                               
         6                  ORDERED that judgment on priority as to Count 1 the sole count in this                                                              
         7        interference (Paper 1, page 4) is awarded against Senior Party Udo Kraatz.                                                                    
         8                  FURTHER ORDERED that Senior Party Udo Kraatz is not entitled to a patent                                                            
         9        containing Kraatz claim 1 (corresponding to Count 1).                                                                                         
       10                   FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this paper shall be made of record in files                                                          
       11         of application 09/091,333 and patent 5,679,796.                                                                                               
       12                   FURTHER ORDERED that the parties shall direct attention to 35 U.S.C. § 135(c)                                                       
       13         and 37 CFR § 41.205(a) regarding the filing of settlement agreements.                                                                         
       15                            /Sally Gardner Lane/                                     )                                                                 
       16                            ADMINISTRATIVE PATENT JUDGE                              )                                                                 
       17                                                                                     )                                                                 
       18                                                                                     )                                                                 
       19                            /Michael P. Tierney/                                     )  BOARD OF PATENT                                                
       20                            ADMINISTRATIVE PATENT JUDGE                              )    APPEALS AND                                                  
       21                                                                                     )  INTERFERENCES                                                  
       22                                                                                     )                                                                 
       23                            /James T. Moore/                                         )                                                                 
       24                            ADMINISTRATIVE PATENT JUDGE                              )                                                                 


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Last modified: November 3, 2007