Ex Parte WEINBLATT - Page 1

                                                 THIS DOCUMENT WAS NOT WRITTEN FOR PUBLICATION                                                                                                                                
                                                         AND IS NOT BINDING PRECEDENT OF THE BOARD                                                                                                                            

                          Filed by: Trial Section Merits Panel                                                                                                                   Paper No. 77                                 
                          Mail Stop Interference                                                                                                                       Entered 8 June 2006                                    
                          P.O. Box 1450                                                                                                                                                                                       
                          Alexandria VA   22313-1450                                                                                                                                                                          
                          Tel: 571-272-9797    Fax: 571-273-0042                                                                                                                                                              

                                                          UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                                                                                           

                                                                   BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                                                                                         
                                                                                        AND INTERFERENCES                                                                                                                     

                                                                                           LEE S. WEINBLATT                                                                                                                   

                                                                                                    Junior Party                                                                                                              
                                                                                              (Patent 4,457,807)1                                                                                                             


                                                                       VICTOR A. AIJALA, GERALD B. COHEN,                                                                                                                     
                                                    JAMES M. JENSEN, WENDELL D. LYNCH and JUAN C. URBI                                                                                                                        

                                                                                                    Senior Party                                                                                                              
                                                                                        (Application 08/728,624)2                                                                                                             

                                                                                   Patent Interference No. 105,295                                                                                                            

             1            Before PATE, LEE and MEDLEY, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                                                                                           
             3            LEE, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                                                                                                                   
             5                                                                      Judgment – Bd. Rule 127(b)                                                                                                                

                          1   Based on Application 08/215,176, filed March 21, 1994.                                                                                                                                          
                          2   Filed October 10, 1996.  Accorded the benefit of Application 08/396,342, filed February 28, 1995, and Application                                                                               
                          07/976,558, filed November 16, 1992.  The real party in interest is Arbitron, Inc.                                                                                                                  

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Last modified: November 3, 2007