GOMES et al. V. Luo et al. - Page 3

               cc (via Facsimile):                                                                                                 
               Counsel for GOMES:                                                                                                  
                       James F. Haley, Jr., Esq.                                                                                   
                       1251 Avenue of the Americas                                                                                 
                       New York, New York   10020                                                                                  
                       Fax: 212-596-9090                                                                                           

               Counsel for LUO:                                                                                                    
                       Steven W. Parmelee, Esq.                                                                                    
                       TOWNSEND and TOWNSEND and CREW LLP                                                                          
                       Two Embarcadero Center, 8  Floor                                                                            
                       San Francisco, CA   94111-3834                                                                              
                       Fax: 415-576-0300                                                                                           


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Last modified: November 3, 2007