Ex Parte Egbe - Page 2

           1          Counsel placed a conference call to the Board on Thursday, 27 July                       
           2    2006, at 1:30 (1330 hours Eastern time).  During the conference call, counsel                  
           3    for Senior Party Koito advised the Board that Koito would not participate in                   
           4    the interference and concedes the subject matter of the interference to Junior                 
           5    Party Egbe.  The Board will treat Koito's non-participation and concession                     
           6    as a request for entry of an adverse judgment.  The Board appreciates the                      
           7    time counsel took to have the conference call with Board.                                      
           8          Upon consideration of the discussion during the conference call, it is                   
           9                 ORDERDED that judgment on priority as to Count 1 (the sole                        
          10    count in the interference; Paper 1, page 9) is awarded against Senior Party                    
          11    TATSUYA KOITO, KEIJI HIRANO, MASAYUKI TAKASHIMA,                                               
          12    KENICHI TOKIOKA and HIDEMITSU AOKI.                                                            
          13    .                                                                                              
          14                 FURTHER ORDERED that Senior Party TATSUYA KOITO,                                  
          15    KEIJI HIRANO, MASAYUKI TAKASHIMA, KENICHI TOKIOKA and                                          
          16    HIDEMITSU AOKI is not entitled to a patent containing claims 20-30                             
          17    (corresponding to Count 1) of:                                                                 
          18                              U.S. Patent 6,869,921 B2                                             
          19                                issued 22 March 2005                                               
          20                          based on application 10/208,796                                          
          21                                 filed 1 August 2002                                               
          22                 FURTHER ORDERED that if there is a settlement agreement,                          
          23    attention is directed to 35 U.S.C. § 135(c).                                                   
          24                 FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this JUDGMENT                                      
          25    shall be placed in the files of (1) application 10/254,785 and (2) U.S. Patent                 
          26    6,869,921 B1.                                                                                  


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Last modified: November 3, 2007