Ex Parte Moon et al - Page 2

             Appeal No. 2005-0247                                                             Page 2               
             Application No. 10/171,657                                                                            

                    As a preliminary matter, we advise the appellants that copying the Statement of                
             Real Party in Interest, Related Appeals and Interferences, Summary of the Invention,                  
             Status of Claims, Status of Amendments after Final Rejection, and Issues sections of                  
             the appeal brief into their request, (Req. Reh'g at 2-6), is neither required by, nor helpful         
             to, the Board.  That said, rather than reiterate our position and that of the appellants in           
             toto, we focus on the appellants' two points of contention, viz.:                                     
                    · grouping of claims 1, 6, 7, 9,11-19, 24, 25, and 27                                          
                    · ink ejection.                                                                                

                              A. GROUPING OF CLAIMS 1, 6, 7, 9,11-19, 24, 25, AND 27                               
                    The appellants allege, "The Board cites Note[sic]  that the Applicant only                     
             presented arguments with respect to claim 1. . . ."  (Req. Reh'g at 7.)  "[T]o assure                 
             separate review by the Board of individual claims within each group of claims subject to              
             a common ground of rejection, an appellant's brief to the Board must contain a clear                  
             statement for each rejection: (a) asserting that the patentability of claims within the               
             group of claims subject to this rejection do not stand or fall together, and (b) identifying          
             which individual claim or claims within the group are separately patentable and the                   
             reasons why the examiner's rejection should not be sustained."  In re McDaniel,                       
             293 F.3d 1379, 1383, 63 USPQ2d 1462, 1465 (Fed. Cir. 2002) (citing 37 C.F.R.                          
             §1.192(c)(7) (2001)).  "If the brief fails to meet either requirement, the Board is free to           
             select a single claim from each group of claims subject to a common ground of rejection               

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