Ex Parte Schachar - Page 3

            Appeal No. 2005-1315                                                         Παγε 3                                   
            Application No. 09/972,533                                                                                            

            structural modification, of causing scleral expansion and the appellant has not provided                              
            any cogent reasoning why this is not the case.  In particular, while the appellant argues                             
            in the request that the Fisher and Smith implants will not displace scleral tissue and                                
            cause scleral expansion if implanted into a pocket which is of a size corresponding to                                
            the implant, the appellant has not explained why the Fisher or Smith implant would not                                
            displace scleral tissue and cause scleral expansion if implanted into a pocket or slit                                
            which is smaller than the implant.   In this case, the appellant’s argument as to the                                 
            differences between the appellant’s claims and the implants of Fisher and Smith                                       
            appears to be directed not to the structure of the implants themselves but rather to the                              
            method in which they are used (e.g., the size of the slit or pocket into which they are                               
            implanted).  It is well settled that the recitation of an intended use for an old product                             
            does not make a claim to that old product patentable.  In re Schreiber, 128 F.3d 1473,                                
            1477, 44 USPQ2d 1429, 1431 (Fed. Cir. 1997).  Accordingly, the appellant’s request                                    
            fails to persuade us that either the Fisher or Smith implant falls short of meeting the                               
            language in the appellant’s claims.                                                                                   
                   In light of the above, the appellant’s request for rehearing is granted to the extent                          
            of our reconsidering our earlier decision but is denied with respect to making any                                    
            modification thereto.                                                                                                 

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