Ex Parte Corriveau et al - Page 6

              Appeal No. 2005-1582                                                                                                          
              Application No. 09/682,176                                                                                                    

                     the mixture to the surface of the tableting process equipment would                                                    
                     necessarily result upon processing the tableting mixture by punching,                                                  
                     pressing or other like processes as detailed below.                                                                    
                         It should be appreciated that the present invention is not limited by                                              
                     the size characteristics of the gum chips and the tableting media to the                                               
                     extent that the gum chips are larger in size than the particles of the                                                 
                     tableting media, such as powder-sized particles of a tableting powder. In                                              
                     an embodiment, the average particle size of the gum chips ranges from                                                  
                     about 0.5 millimeters (mm) to about 6.0 mm. The gum chip particles can                                                 
                     be formed by any suitable process, preferably a chipping process, as                                                   
                     detailed below. It should be appreciated that the particle size, unless                                                
                     indicated otherwise, is based on the maximum dimension of the particle.                                                
                     [Specification, paragraphs 0032 and 0033].                                                                             
                     As stated above, Cherukuri exemplifies gum granules having a size of about 4                                           
              mesh that are mixed with powdered sized tableting media.  As such, the size of the gum                                        
              chips is larger than the particles of the tableting media.  Based upon the description                                        
              appearing in the specification, Cherukuri contains a non-homogenous blend of tableting                                        
              media and gum chips because the gum chips have a larger average particle size than                                            
              the average particle size of the tableting media.                                                                             
                     Appellants argue that “[i]n Cherukuri the bulk of the powdered sweeteners are                                          
              included in the gum formulations prior to grinding. Thus, the sweeteners are in particles                                     
              of exactly the same size as the Cherukuri gum particles. (See Example V)”.  (Brief, p. 5).                                    
                     This argument is not persuasive.  Cherukuri exemplifies the gum granules having                                        
              a size of about 4 mesh that are mixed with powdered sized tableting media. (See                                               
              Examples 1-3).  The sweeteners added during the formulation of the gum particles are                                          


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