Ex Parte Watanabe et al - Page 2

              Appeal No. 2005-1629                                                                                         
              Application No. 10/001,256                                                                                   

                     Appellants request rehearing based on four issues, labeled as I, II, III and IV on                    
              pages 2-7 of the Request.  We do not find appellants’ arguments regarding these issues                       
              to be persuasive of error in our Decision.  We present our reasoning in support of this                      
              determination below, treating each issue in the order presented in the Request.                              
                     With regard to issue I, appellants argue that the Board has misapprehended the                        
              teachings in Sano, “which do not suggest that the subject penetrating agent is useful for                    
              other ink compositions” but rather is specifically directed to alginate-containing ink                       
              compositions (Request, pages 2-3, citing Sano, col. 4, ll. 24-29, and col. 7, ll. 21-36).                    
              This is the identical argument presented by appellants in their Brief, Reply Brief, and                      
              Supplemental Reply Brief (see the sentence bridging pages 5 and 6 of the Decision),                          
              and we incorporate our response from the Decision (pages 6-8).  Appellants have not                          
              argued or disputed the rationale espoused in our Decision, namely that Sano teaches                          
              the balancing or trade-off of properties for all additives, especially penetrants, in ink                    
              compositions (id.).  We further note that appellants have cited but not disputed the                         
              teaching of Sano that penetrating agents were used before in certain critical                                
              concentrations to attain enhanced penetrating power that lessens color bleeding, but                         
              with the use of alginates it is not necessary that the penetrating power be raised as high                   
              as for conventional ink compositions (Decision, page 7, citing Sano, col. 7, ll.   21-36).                   
              This teaching of Sano would have clearly led one of ordinary skill in the art to use the                     
              penetrants taught by Sano in conventional ink compositions, varying the amounts to                           


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