Ex Parte SCHMIDT - Page 4

                  Appeal 2005-2193                                                                                              
                  Application 09/385,405                                                                                        

                  Schmidt treats waste resulting from the same industrial encapsulation                                         
                  processes as Appellant (Compare Schmidt, col. 1, ll. 11-22 to Specification                                   
                  1:17 to 2:5) containing the same types of contaminants (Compare Schmidt,                                      
                  col. 1, ll. 41-47 and col. 3, ll. 13-25 to Specification 2:19 to 3:3 and 7:1-12).                             
                          Appellant further argues that the Schmidt Declaration shows that the                                  
                  Schmidt waste gelatin stream did not contain a “first component” as claimed                                   
                  (Request 10).  But, Appellant’s argument is circular in nature and                                            
                  unpersuasive.  According to Appellant, because the cartridge filter used in                                   
                  the test did not remove the vitamin E acetate therein, the Schmidt waste                                      
                  stream does not contain a first component (Request 10-11).  Claim 71 is not                                   
                  limited to vitamin E acetate, it encompasses “first components” including                                     
                  the trace contaminants disclosed by Schmidt as effectively removed by hot                                     
                  filtration (Schmidt, col. 4, ll. 22-31).                                                                      
                          Appellant also argues that the two-step filtration process of the                                     
                  Schmidt Declaration is commensurate-in-scope with the subject matter of                                       
                  claim 71 (Request 11).  But, again, Appellant’s argument is dependent on an                                   
                  improperly narrow reading of “first component.”  The “first component”                                        
                  claimed is not limited to vitamin E acetate, the tested compound, but instead                                 
                  encompasses the trace contaminants of Schmidt.  Moreover, the treatment of                                    
                  step (c) recited in claim 71 is not limited to the two-step filtration process set                            
                  forth in the Schmidt Declaration but instead is met by the hot filtration step                                
                  of Schmidt.                                                                                                   
                          With regard to the rejection of claims 74 and 82 over Schmidt in view                                 
                  of Dutre, we note that in accordance with Appellant’s statement that the                                      
                  claims stand or fall together (Br. 10), we selected claim 74 to represent the                                 
                  issues on appeal with regard to the rejection over Schmidt in view of Dutre.                                  


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