Ex Parte Aiba et al - Page 7

              Appeal No. 2005-2649                                                                                                               
              Application No. 09/690,377                                                                                                         

              that of the plastic tubes and then fused by being heated under pressure to connect the                                             
              tubes to each other and to seal each tube at predetermined points. Certainly Figures 12                                            
              and 13 of Coplan do not show or suggest such a step and the disclosure at column 8,                                                
              lines 53-58 has nothing whatsoever to do with any such fusing step. Thus, the rejection                                            
              of claim 6 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) will likewise not be sustained.                                                                

              In light of the foregoing, the decision of the examiner to reject claims 6 and 9 of the                                            
              present application under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) is reversed.                                                                          


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