Ex Parte Metzger - Page 5

         Appeal No.  2006-0379                                                      
         Application No. 10/315,780                                                 
         fiber content than that which is typical of whole wheat flour              
         prepared from whole grains.  In this regard, we incorporate                
         herein, the examiner’s position, as set forth on page 4 of the             
         answer, wherein the examiner states that whole wheat flour                 
         naturally has a particular fiber content.  The examiner states             
         that since Devic provides a whole wheat flour, the resultant               
         product obviously has a dietary fiber content similar to that              
         claimed by appellant for whole wheat flour.  The examiner states           
         that appellant’s claimed whole wheat flour having a certain                
         fiber content cannot be said to patentably distinguish over the            
         whole wheat flour prepared in Devic.                                       
              With regard to the claimed pH values of from about 6.3 to             
         6.7, as recited in appellant’s claim 43, we note that Devic                
         teaches that the pH of the material after bleaching is less than           
         or equivalent to 8.5, which suggests appellants’ claimed range.            
         See column 4, lines 20-24 of Devic.                                        
              With regard to claim 49, on page 11 of the brief, appellant           
         argues that claim 49 specifically limits the wheat flour to be             
         made from bleached whole grains of wheat, wherein a bran layer             
         is treated with peroxide, and an inner endosperm is “not                   
         treated”.2  Appellant argues that Devic teaches that all the               
         plant material, including the endosperm, is soaked in the                  
         bleaching solution.   See also pages 2-3 of the reply brief.               

         2 We note that none of appellant’s claims recite that the inner            
         endosperm is “not treated”; hence, appellant’s statement here is           

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