Ex Parte Hishinuma et al - Page 19

                 Appeal No. 2006-0476                                                                                    
                 Application No. 10/365,258                                                                              

                        Regarding claim 12, Dinkin teaches a computer.  As discussed                                     
                 supra, Nykoluk teaches a label operative to move in and out of a bezel                                  
                 with stops and support structure, which is, mounted independent of the                                  
                 bezel.  With regard to claim 40, as discussed supra the information on a                                
                 luggage tag is considered to change from time to time.  Further, though                                 
                 the information on a luggage tag may be different from information                                      
                 pertaining to an attribute of the computer equipment1 as stated supra, the                              
                 claimed information does not functionally relate to the claimed “device for                             
                 storing information.”  As such the information on the label will not                                    
                 distinguish the invention from the prior art in terms of patentablility.                                
                        This decision contains a new ground of rejection pursuant to 37 CFR                              
                 § 41.50(b) (effective September 13, 2004, 69 Fed. Reg. 49960 (August 12,                                
                 2004), 1286 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 21 (September 7, 2004)).  37 CFR § 41.50(b)                           
                 provides "[a] new ground of rejection pursuant to this paragraph shall not be                           
                 considered final for judicial review."                                                                  
                 37 CFR § 41.50(b) also provides that the appellant, WITHIN TWO                                          
                 MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THE DECISION, must exercise one of the                                          
                 following two options with respect to the new ground of rejection to avoid                              
                 termination of the appeal as to the rejected claims:                                                    
                        (1) Reopen prosecution.  Submit an appropriate amendment of the                                  
                        claims so rejected or new evidence relating to the claims so                                     
                 1 We make no findings as to whether the scope of the phrase “attribute of the computer equipment” includes
                 the identification of the owner of the equipment.                                                       

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