Ex Parte Thiessen - Page 1

           The opinion in support of the decision being entered today was not         
           written for publication and is not binding precedent of the Board.         

                      UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                       
                         BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                           
                                  AND INTERFERENCES                                   
                            Ex parte RANDALL J. THIESSEN                              
                                Appeal No. 2006-0601                                  
                             Application No. 10/430,030                               
                                    ON BRIEF                                          
          Before GARRIS, WALTZ and FRANKLIN, Administrative Patent Judges.            
          GARRIS, Administrative Patent Judge.                                        
                                 DECISION ON APPEAL                                   
               This is a decision on an appeal which involves claim 1.                
               The subject matter on appeal relates to an apparatus for               
          converting dirty fuels to steam and useful gas.  With reference             
          to the appellant’s drawing, the apparatus 10 comprises a                    
          combustor 16, a steam boiler 14 and a gasifier 26.  Further                 
          details of this appealed subject matter are set forth in the sole           
          claim on appeal which reads as follows:                                     

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Last modified: November 3, 2007