Ex Parte Markusch et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2006-0631                                                        
          Application No. 10/138,539                                                  

               We totally reject appellants' argument that Payne "is so               
          utterly and totally devoid of any concrete teaching, suggestion             
          or guidance that would lead one of ordinary skill in the art to             
          the instantly claimed invention as to be unsuitable as a base               
          reference for a rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a)" (page 8 of              
          Brief, second paragraph).  Inasmuch as Payne expressly teaches              
          the use of a polyurethane composition in combination with a                 
          geotextile in the formation of a composite used as a liner in               
          ditches and the like, we are confident that one of ordinary skill           
          in the art would have found it obvious to look to suitable                  
          polyurethanes that have similar utility, such as, the                       
          polyurethane of Adam.  We note that appellants do not argue that            
          polyurethane compositions within the scope of the appealed claims           
          are somehow different than the polyurethane compositions fairly             
          taught by Adam.  Also, appellants have not presented any line of            
          reasoning why one of ordinary skill in the art would have found             
          it nonobvious to use the polyurethane compositions of Adam in               
          making the composite of Payne.  Nor have appellants addressed the           
          reference in Payne discussed by the examiner regarding the                  
          association between Payne and the present assignee.                         
               As a final point, we note that appellants base no argument             
          upon objective evidence of nonobviousness, such as unexpected               


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