Ex Parte Van Erden - Page 3

         Appeal No. 2006-1088                                                       
         Application No. 09/974,400                                                 

              We have thoroughly reviewed each of appellant’s arguments             
         for patentability.  However, we are in complete agreement with             
         the examiner that the claimed subject matter would have been               
         obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art within the meaning             
         of § 103 in view of the applied prior art.  Accordingly, we will           
         sustain the examiner’s rejection for the reasons set forth in              
         the answer, and we add the following for emphasis only.                    
              There is no dispute that Yeager, like appellant, discloses            
         a reclosable zipper comprising first and second profile strips             
         having interlocking members and flanges extending laterally from           
         the profiles.  Also, flange 40 of Yeager is longer than flange             
         42 and the flanges are connected by a peel seal                            

              .  As appreciated by the examiner, Yeager does not teach              
         the use of a slider to open and close the zipper.  However, we             
         fully concur with the examiner that Thieman evidences the                  
         obviousness of employing a slider to open and close a zipper.              
         As for the claim limitation that the first and second flanges              
         extend laterally from one side only of the interlocking member,            
         we agree with the examiner that not only does Thieman establish            
         the obviousness of this limitation, but portion 43 of Yeager’s             


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Last modified: November 3, 2007