Ex Parte Datesman et al - Page 13

           Appeal No. 2006-1095                                                  Page 13             
           Application No. 10/280,188                                                                

           region [answer, page 20, ¶3].  The examiner further notes that since the                  

           light resulting from the interaction of the propagation modes that results                

           from the change in refractive index is detected, the affect on the interaction            

           of the propagation modes is used for detection purposes [id.].                            

                 Regarding appellants’ arguments that the examiner is relying upon                   

           inherency in formulating the rejection, we restate our comments supra that                

           appellants have not met their burden of proving that the subject matter                   

           shown to be in the prior art does not possess the characteristic relied on by             

           the examiner. See In re King, 801 F.2d at 1327, 231 USPQ at 138.                          

                 In addition, we note that appellants have recognized in the brief that              

           Dietz explicitly discloses (at col. 7, lines 25 and 26) that “‘waveguides 44              

           and 48 support one or more guided modes each’” [brief, page 5, emphasis                   

           added].  We note that appellants further acknowledge: “Applicant takes this               

           passage simply to state that these are multi-mode waveguides” [brief, page                

           5, ¶1, emphasis added].  In particular, we note that appellants further                   

           argue: “this is not to say that they [i.e., Dietz’s multi-mode waveguides] are            

           used for any purpose in particular” [brief, page 5, emphasis added].                      

           Significantly, we note that appellants assert that Dietz’s disclosure of                  

           “Light/Sensor Area Interaction” (col. 8, lines 45-65) does not disclose the               

           “use of propagational modes for detection purposes” [brief, page 5, ¶1,                   

           emphasis added].                                                                          

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