Ex Parte Abdallah et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2006-1169                                                       
          Application No. 10/005,728                                                 
          the inventor’s intent to take a processor having a standard                
          microprocessor instruction set, such as the PENTIUM                        
          microprocessor instruction set, including a packed data                    
          instruction set and to use disclosed aspects of the invention to           
          produce a PSAD instruction.”                                               
               This argument by appellants highlights our concern.  When             
          appellants talk about a competitor capable of making a processor           
          “to execute the PENTIUM microprocessor instruction set,” exactly           
          what instruction set would that be?  An instruction set in the             
          latest version of the PENTIUM chip? Some as-of-yet unknown                 
          instruction set in some future version of the PENTIUM chip?  It            
          is indefinite.  The artisan would not be informed as to just what          
          instruction set is being described in the claims comprising the            
          term “PENTIUM.”  Even the description of the PENTIUM processor             
          types at pages 9-10 of the request for rehearing admits that               
          there are some differences in the instruction sets of various              
          PENTIUM products.                                                          


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Last modified: November 3, 2007