Ex Parte 6014634 et al - Page 2

               Appeal No.  2006-1585                                                                      2                        
               Reexamination Control No.  90/005,888                                                                               
                       d) on May 10, 2005, a different examiner took charge of the proceeding, reopened                            
               prosecution and issued a non-final Office action containing various new rejections of claims                        
                       e) on June 24, 2005, the patent owner filed a “37 CFR 41.31 NOTICE OF APPEAL” (the                          
               second appeal) and a “37 CFR 41.39(b)(2) REQUEST TO MAINTAIN THE APPEAL BY                                          
               FILING A 37 CFR 41.41 REPLY APPEAL BRIEF” (the first reply brief) in response to the non-                           
               final Office action;                                                                                                
                       f) on August 30, 2005, the examiner issued an answer to the first reply brief;                              
                       g) on October 3, 2005, the patent owner submitted a “37 CFR 41.41 SECOND REPLY                              
               BRIEF” (the second reply brief) in response to the answer; and                                                      
                       h) on January 23, 2006, the examiner issued a paper acknowledging receipt of the second                     
               reply brief and forwarded the proceeding to this Board.                                                             
                       As a preliminary matter, we note that at the time the non-final Office action dated May                     
               10, 2005 was mailed, Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) §§ 706.07(e), 1002.02(d)                           
               and 1208.01 (8th ed., Rev. 2, May 2004) required the approval of a supervisory patent examiner                      
               for any new ground of rejection made in an Office action reopening prosecution after the filing                     
               of an appeal brief.  MPEP § 2275 (8th ed., Rev. 2, May 2004) made it clear that the requirement                     
               applied to appeals in patents undergoing ex parte reexamination proceedings.1  Notwithstanding                      
               this directive, the electronic copy of the non-final Office action appearing in the IFW does not                    
               show that the new grounds of rejection set forth in the action were approved by a supervisory                       
               patent examiner.  The lack of supervisory approval was subsequently cured, however, by a                            
               decision on petition mailed June 27, 2005.  Although the decision on petition dealt with an                         
               unrelated matter, it referred twice to the “non-final Office action” over the signature of a Director               
               of Technology Center 3600 and hence implicitly ratified the action and the new grounds of                           
               rejection contained therein.  Moreover, and in any event, the patent owner did not challenge the                    
               1 Although the MPEP has since been revised, §§ 706.07(e), 1002.02(d), 1207.04 and 2275 (8th ed., Rev. 4, Oct.       
               2005), which are currently in effect, carry forward the requirement for supervisory approval in this circumstance.  

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