Ex Parte Tueshaus et al - Page 4

         Appeal No. 2006-1647                                                       
         Application No. 10/157,537                                                 

         screen that is secured to but not interwoven with the first                
         screen.  In relevant part, appellants' original specification,             
         in describing figure 6, discloses the following at page 24,                
         first paragraph:                                                           
                   Thus, the planar wire screen may or may not be                   
              utilized as a support positioned at 92 for supporting                 
              other screens.  However, the overall assembly in                      
              accord with the present invention will utilize at                     
              least one screen woven with planar members.  Any                      
              number of other meshes may be supported at one or more                
              other positions.  For instance, a different screen                    
              may be utilized at each of positions 94, 96, and/or                   
              98.  Each of the screens at 94, 96, or 98 may or may                  
              not include woven planar wires.  Thus, the mesh woven                 
              with planar members of present invention can be                       
              utilized in any desirable configuration with any other                
              types of screens, or alone, or with one or more other                 
              screens woven with planar members.  The screens 92-98,                
              may be affixed together, if desired, using any                        
              suitable means such as being bonded together with                     
              plastic or other materials, or may comprise a                         
              releasable combination of screens wherein each screen                 
              may be replaced as desired.                                           
              In addition to the specification not disclosing first and             
         second screens being interwoven, we agree with appellants that             
         the description of screens 92-98 that "may comprise a releasable           
         combination of screens wherein each screen may be replaced as              
         desired" reasonably conveys to one of ordinary skill in the art            
         that the separate screens are not interwoven, although                     


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