Ex Parte Speronello et al - Page 2

                Appeal 2006-1705                                                                              
                Application 10/744,481                                                                        
                      The subject matter on appeal relates to a massive body comprising a                     
                metal chlorite, an acid source and a source of free halogen wherein the                       
                massive body produces a solution of chlorine dioxide and free halogen when                    
                exposed to liquid water.  Further details regarding this subject matter are set               
                forth in representative independent claim 38 which reads as follows:                          
                      38.  A massive body comprising a metal chlorite, an acid source and a                   
                source of free halogen, wherein said massive body produces a solution of                      
                chlorine dioxide and free halogen and forms a low solubility porous                           
                framework when exposed to liquid water.                                                       
                      No references have been relied upon by the examiner in support of the                   
                sole rejection before us on this appeal which is based on the enablement                      
                requirement in the first paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112.1                                       
                      Claims 38-48 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 112, first paragraph,                       
                because the specification "does not reasonably provide enablement for the                     
                above [claimed] massive body when it is not limited to said ratio of the                      
                concentration of chlorine dioxide generated to the sum of the concentrations                  
                of chlorine dioxide generated and chlorite anion being at least 0.25:1 by                     
                weight" (Answer 3).  As subsequently expressed on page 4 of the Answer,                       
                "[t]he examiner thus holds that applicant's pending independent claims 38                     
                and 44 must be amended to require a ratio of concentration of chlorine                        

                1 The obviousness-type double patenting rejections set forth in the final                     
                Office action have not been advanced on this appeal (e.g., see the paragraph                  
                bridging pages 2-3 of the Answer).                                                            

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Last modified: November 3, 2007