Ex Parte Jewson et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2006-1750                                         Παγε 7                           
          Application No. 10/435,175                                                                    
          impregnated with a solution of a palladium compound and a gold                                
          compound in a solvent.                                                                        
               We do not find appellants’ arguments persuasive for reasons                              
          set forth in the answer, and as further explained herein.                                     
          Representative claim 12 does not require the simultaneous                                     
          addition of gold and palladium via impregnation, as argued.  In                               
          this regard, representative claim 12 recites “... impregnating a                              
          titanium zeolite with a solution of a palladium compound and a                                
          gold compound in a solvent ....”  Thus, the zeolite is required                               
          to be impregnated with a solution of a palladium compound and the                             
          zeolite is required to be impregnated with a gold compound in a                               
          solvent.  However, representative claim 12 does not require that                              
          the palladium compound and the gold compound are incorporated                                 
          into the same solution and that such a solution is used for                                   
          simultaneously impregnating the zeolite with both additives.  In                              
          this regard, the conjunctive term “and”, as employed in claim 12,                             
          does not clearly require that the solution contains both                                      
          compounds.  Indeed, the claim phrase “gold compound in a solvent”                             
          is inclusive of an embodiment wherein a solution of gold compound                             
          (gold compound in a solvent) that is distinct from the solution                               
          of a palladium compound is employed in the impregnation in either                             
          a serial or concurrent manner.  Thus, representative claim 12                                 

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