Ex Parte Takano et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2006-1880                                                          
          Application No. 10/064,363                                                    
          argument unpersuasive.  Appellants’ claim language requires “a                
          circular portion lying on one side of said circular core.”  We                
          find such a circular portion in Scherzinger at Fig. 2, as part of             
          the flange 36.  The back half of flange 36 is shown as “a                     
          circular portion lying on one side of said circular core” as                  
          required by claim 1. Nothing in claim 1 requires that the                     
          “circular portion” correspond to the circular portion of                      
          Appellants’ reference numeral 58; and nothing in the language of              
          claim 1 precludes the circular portion of Scherzinger.                        
               Appellants further argue that claim 1 is patentable because              
          “each insulator segment [32] in Scherzinger et al only extends on             
          one side of the gap between the enlarged outer ends of the pole               
          teeth.”  We disagree.  The plurality of insulator segments in                 
          Scherzinger form the “insulating bobbin” recited in claim 1.                  
          Nothing in the language of claim 1 precludes a multi-segment                  
          bobbin structure such as in Scherzinger.                                      
               Lastly, Appellants argue claim 1 is patentable because                   
          Scherzinger fails to teach “how the teeth are wound.”  We                     
          disagree.  We find the language of claim 1 directed to how the                
          teeth are wound is an intended use of the claimed bobbin                      


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