Ex Parte Spencer et al - Page 13

              Appeal No. 2006-2011                                                                                     
              Application No. 09/996,720                                                                               

              counting the number of writes, artisans would want to know how close they are to the                     
              memory failing so they do not lose songs or pictures that they have saved [answer,                       
              page 38].  Appellants respond that despite the taking of Official Notice, the examiner                   
              has not provided proper motivation as to why the artisan would have modified the Bruce                   
              device to include the claimed features [reply brief, page 4].                                            
              We will not sustain the examiner’s rejection of these claims based on Bruce taken                        
              alone.  Since these claims depend from independent claim 17 or claim 23, and since the                   
              rejection of these independent claims on Bruce has not been sustained, then the                          
              rejection of these dependent claims is also unsupported by the evidence.                                 
              With respect to claim 22, in addition to the arguments considered above,                                 
              appellants argue that the examiner has provided no motivation as to why any formats                      
              should be tracked in the Bruce device [brief, page 18].  The examiner responds that                      
              since formatting includes writing, it would have been obvious to the artisan to track                    
              formatting for the same reasons discussed above with respect to image and audio files                    
              [answer, page 38].                                                                                       
              We will not sustain the examiner’s rejection of claim 22 based on Bruce taken                            
              alone.  Since claim 22 depends from independent claim 17, and since the rejection of                     
              independent claim 17 on Bruce has not been sustained, then the rejection of dependent                    
              claim 22 is also unsupported by the evidence.                                                            
              With respect to claims 24 and 25, appellants argue that the artisan would not                            
              modify the Bruce device to include a display for reasons discussed above [brief, page                    


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