Ex Parte Seth et al - Page 2

                Appeal 2006-2144                                                                                 
                Application 10/001,158                                                                           
                surfactant.”  See the Specification, page 1.  To obtain this article, a                          
                thermoplastic resin and a lathering surfactant can be blended prior to or                        
                within an extruder where the resulting blend is formed into melt extruded                        
                fibers which can be in the form of a web or can be used to form a web.  See                      
                the Specification, pages 3 and 5.  “[The] lathering surfactant is generally a                    
                surfactant which when incorporated into the fiber and used in the cleansing                      
                article and combined with water and mechanically agitated generates a foam                       
                or lather at an initial foam volume of greater than 30 . . . .”  See the                         
                Specification, page 4.                                                                           
                       Further details of the appealed subject matter are recited in claim 1                     
                which is reproduced below:                                                                       
                             1.  A disposable personal care cleansing article                                    
                             comprising a fibrous web containing melt extruded                                   
                             fibers, the melt extruded fibers comprising a blend                                 
                             of fiber-forming polymer with a melt extruded                                       
                             altering surfactant, wherein the article has a foam                                 
                             volume for two or more rinsings, where the                                          
                             initial foam value is at least 30 ml and said article                               
                             is substantially dry prior to use.                                                  
                II.  PRIOR ART                                                                                   
                       The Examiner relies upon the following references as evidence of                          
                       McAtee                      US 6,153,208          Nov. 28, 2000                           
                       Hasenoerhrl               WO 98/52537          Nov. 26, 1998                              
                III.  REJECTION                                                                                  
                       Claims 1 through 36 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. §103 as                                
                unpatentable over the combined disclosures of McAtee and Hasenoerhrl.                            
                IV.  FACTUAL FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS                                                            


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Last modified: November 3, 2007