Ex Parte LONGSTRETH - Page 2

                 Appeal No. 2006-2383                                                                                                            
                 Application 09/025,896                                                                                                          

                 handgrip that covers the closed top and           extends slightly over onto the wall of the                                    
                 cabbage cutter, and        provides additional strength to the device; the bottom is open                                       
                 and filed or rubbed down to a smooth, thin, sharp cutting and         chopping edge that can                                    
                 be sharpened if the cutting and chopping       edge should become dulled from extensive                                         
                 use; the device has a                                                                                                           
                 removable protective cover, contiguous with the cutting and           chopping edge, that                                       
                 when placed over the cutting and chopping         edge serves as a shield from injury, and                                      
                 protects the cutting         and chopping edge from becoming damaged when the device is                                         
                 not        in use or stored; the device works best when cabbage head is          cut in chunks,                                 
                 placed in a large container, and an operator           grasps the handgrip and brings the                                       
                 cutting and chopping edge          down repeatedly (in an up and down motion) onto the                                          
                 cabbage,          cutting the cabbage to desired size.                                                                          
                                                              THE REFERENCES                                                                     
                 Bell                          893,425              Jul. 14, 1908                                                                
                 Rothje                      1,525,514              Feb. 10, 1925                                                                
                 Collins                     3,004,340              Oct. 17, 1961                                                                
                 Snyder                      3,456,346              Jul. 22, 1969                                                                
                 Seib et al. (Seib)          4,858,317              Aug. 22, 1989                                                                
                                                              THE REJECTIONS                                                                     
                         Claim 7 stands rejected as follows: under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as anticipated by Seib,                                    
                 and under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as obvious over 1) Rothje in view of Snyder, 2) Rothje in view of                                     
                 Seib, 3) Bell in view of Collins and Snyder, and 4) Bell in view of Collins and Seib.                                           
                         We reverse the aforementioned rejections.                                                                               
                                              Rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) over Seib                                                       
                         The appellant’s claim requires that the cylindrical body has a closed top covered by a                                  
                 permanently affixed handgrip that extends slightly over onto the wall of the cylindrical body.                                  
                 The examiner relies upon the portion of Seib’s top section 18 between upper edges 38 of                                         
                 annular cutter 36 (figure 2) as corresponding to the appellant’s closed top (answer, page 7).                                   


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