Ex Parte Huang et al - Page 6

              Appeal No. 2006-2526                                                                                     
              Application No. 10/377,942                                                                               

                     We consider many of appellants= remarks in the briefs not germane to the issue                    
              at hand; i.e., whether these claims are met by this reference. We have considered all of                 
              appellants= arguments in the briefs but are not persuaded of error in the examiner=s                     
              claim interpretation or in the finding of anticipation.  We sustain the rejection of claims              
              19 and 23 under 35 U.S.C. ' 102 as being anticipated by Hsiao.                                           
                     The rejection of claims 19 and 23 under 35 U.S.C. ' 102 as being anticipated by                   
              Hsiao is affirmed.                                                                                       


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