Ex Parte Suzuki et al - Page 10

              Appeal No. 2006-2648                                                               Page 10                
              Application No. 09/788,387                                                                                

                     Here, the appellants' reply brief newly argues that "Sato does not teach or                        
              suggest, 'first display area displaying an image from the image acquisition device' and                   
              'second display area displaying a sequence of stored image data', as recited in each of                   
              the independent claims 1, 7, 12 and 16."  (Reply Br. at  4.)  Because the position set                    
              forth in the examiner's answer regarding these limitations, (Examiner's Answer at 3), is                  
              identical to that set forth in the final rejection, (Final Rej. at 3), we find nothing that               
              would have prompted the new arguments.  The arguments regarding the additional                            
              limitations of claims 1, 7, 12, and 16 could have been made in the appellants' original                   
              brief.  The term "reply brief" is exactly that, a brief in reply to new rejections or new                 
              arguments set forth in an examiner’s answer.  The appellants may not present their                        
              arguments in a piecemeal fashion, holding back arguments until an examiner answers                        
              their original brief.  Of course, the appellant is not precluded from presenting new                      
              arguments directly to the examiner for consideration as part of a continuing application.                 
              Therefore, we affirm the rejection of claim 12 and of claims 1, 4, 7, 8, and 13, which fall               

                     Rather than arguing the patentability of claims 5, 9, and 15 separately, the                       
              appellants rely on their aforementioned argument.  Having been unpersuaded by this                        
              argument, we affirm also the rejection of the latter claims.                                              

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