Ex Parte Hilton et al - Page 2

                Appeal 2006-2681                                                                                
                Application 10/044,407                                                                          
                deficiency in the Brief, Appellants on July 12, 2006 filed a letter indicating,                 
                “no evidence has been submitted in support of this appeal.”  As such,                           
                Appellants did not include a copy of the declaration referenced in the Brief.                   
                       A Declaration filed October 1, 2004 is part of the official Image File                   
                Wrapper (IFW) for this application.  However, it is not clear whether                           
                Appellants intended to include a new declaration with the Brief or rely on                      
                the declaration filed October 1, 2004.                                                          
                       In order for the merits panel of the Board of Patent Appeals and                         
                Interferences (BPAI) to review the record on appeal, the document relied                        
                upon must be properly identified and referenced.  It is important that the                      
                record presented to the BPAI for consideration be the same as the record                        
                established by the Examiner and the Appellants.  A meaningful review of                         
                this record cannot occur unless all of the documents submitted by Appellants                    
                for consideration have been adequately presented into the Appeal record.                        
                       The Examiner has relied on the SU 1743887-A1 reference as evidence                       
                of obviousness.  A close inspection of the record reveals that only a Derwent                   
                Abstract of this document is present.  This abstract of the SU 1743887-A1                       
                reference is not proper for a determination of patentable subject matter by                     
                the BPAI.  It is noted that the Appellants on pages 6 to 9 of the Brief discuss                 
                the contents of this cited document.  However, the abstract presented does                      
                not include the full details of the underlying document.  The Examiner is                       
                instructed to obtain the full SU 1743887-A1 document.1  Upon receipt of                         
                this document, the Examiner should reevaluate the relevance of the entire                       

                1 The Examiner should translate this document to the English language if                        

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Last modified: November 3, 2007