(a) After investigating any verified complaint alleging a violation of Section 7107, 7109, 7110, 7113, 7119, or 7120, and any complaint arising from a contract involving works of improvement and finding a possible violation, the registrar may, with the concurrence of both the licensee and the complainant, refer the alleged violation, and any dispute between the licensee and the complainant arising thereunder, to arbitration pursuant to this article, provided the registrar finds that:
(1) There is evidence that the complainant has suffered or is likely to suffer material damages as a result of a violation of Section 7107, 7109, 7110, 7113, 7119, or 7120, and any complaint arising from a contract involving works of improvement.
(2) There are reasonable grounds for the registrar to believe that the public interest would be better served by arbitration than by disciplinary action.
(3) The licensee does not have a history of repeated or similar violations.
(4) The licensee was in good standing at the time of the alleged violation.
(5) The licensee does not have any outstanding disciplinary actions filed against him or her.
(6) The parties have not previously agreed to private arbitration of the dispute pursuant to contract or otherwise.
(7) The parties have been advised of the provisions of Section 2855 of the Civil Code.
For the purposes of paragraph (1), “material damages” means damages greater than the amount of the bond required under subdivision (a) of Section 7071.6, but less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
(b) In all cases in which a possible violation of the sections set forth in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) exists and the contract price, or the demand for damages is equal to or less than the amount of the bond required under Section 7071.6, but, regardless of the contract price, the complaint shall be referred to arbitration, utilizing the criteria set forth in paragraphs (2) to (6), inclusive, of subdivision (a).
(Amended by Stats. 2005, Ch. 280, Sec. 8. Effective January 1, 2006.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018