California Business and Professions Code CHAPTER 2 - Administration

  • Section 26010.
    There is in the Department of Consumer Affairs the Bureau of Cannabis Control, under the supervision and control of the director. The director shall administer...
  • Section 26010.5.
    (a) The Governor shall appoint a chief of the bureau, subject to confirmation by the Senate, at a salary to be fixed and determined by the...
  • Section 26011.
    Neither the chief of the bureau nor any member of the Cannabis Control Appeals Panel established under Section 26040 shall do any of the following:(a) Receive...
  • Section 26011.5.
    The protection of the public shall be the highest priority for all licensing authorities in exercising licensing, regulatory, and disciplinary functions under this division. Whenever...
  • Section 26012.
    (a) It being a matter of statewide concern, except as otherwise authorized in this division:(1) The bureau shall have the sole authority to create, issue, deny, renew,...
  • Section 26013.
    (a) Licensing authorities shall make and prescribe reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement, administer and enforce their respective duties under this division...
  • Section 26013.5.
    Notice of any action of a licensing authority required by this division to be given may be signed and given by the director of the...
  • Section 26014.
    (a) The bureau shall convene an advisory committee to advise the licensing authorities on the development of standards and regulations pursuant to this division, including best...
  • Section 26015.
    A licensing authority may make or cause to be made such investigation as it deems necessary to carry out its duties under this division.(Added November...
  • Section 26016.
    For any hearing held pursuant to this division, except a hearing held under Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 26040), a licensing authority may delegate the...
  • Section 26017.
    In any hearing before a licensing authority pursuant to this division, the licensing authority may pay any person appearing as a witness at the hearing...
  • Section 26018.
    A licensing authority may on its own motion at any time before a penalty assessment is placed into effect, and without any further proceedings, review...

Last modified: October 22, 2018