California Business and Professions Code ARTICLE 5 - Surveying Practice
- Section 8759.
(a) A licensed land surveyor or licensed civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying shall use a written contract when contracting to provide professional services to...
- Section 8760.
Every licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer may administer and certify oaths:(a) When it becomes necessary to take testimony for the identification or establishment of...
- Section 8761.
(a) Any licensed land surveyor or civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying may practice land surveying and prepare maps, plats, reports, descriptions, or other documentary...
- Section 8761.1.
The authority of a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer to prepare, sign, issue, stamp, seal, or approve any map, plat, report, description, or...
- Section 8761.2.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8761, a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor who signs land surveying maps, plats, reports, descriptions, or other surveying...
- Section 8762.
(a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), after making a field survey in conformity with the practice of land surveying, the licensed surveyor or licensed civil...
- Section 8762.5.
No record of survey of land shown on the latest adopted county assessment roll as a unit or as contiguous units, which shows a division...
- Section 8763.
The record of survey shall be a map, legibly drawn, printed, or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record in black on tracing cloth,...
- Section 8764.
The record of survey shall show the applicable provisions of the following consistent with the purpose of the survey:(a) All monuments found, set, reset, replaced, or...
- Section 8764.5.
Statements shall appear on the map as follows:Surveyor’s StatementThis map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the...
- Section 8765.
A record of survey is not required of any survey:(a) When it has been made by a public officer in his or her official capacity and...
- Section 8766.
(a) Within 20 working days after receiving the record of survey, or within the additional time as may be mutually agreed upon by the land surveyor...
- Section 8766.5.
The county surveyor may charge a reasonable fee for examining a record of survey pursuant to Section 8766 which shall not exceed the cost of...
- Section 8767.
If the county surveyor finds that the record of survey complies with the examination in Section 8766, the county surveyor shall endorse a statement on...
- Section 8768.
If the matters appearing on the record of survey cannot be agreed upon by the licensed land surveyor or the registered civil engineer and the...
- Section 8768.5.
If the county surveyor fails to timely file the record of survey with the county recorder in accordance with Section 8768, the licensed land surveyor...
- Section 8769.
The charge for filing any record of survey, and for indexing the same, shall be the same as provided for subdivided land under Section 27372...
- Section 8770.
The record of survey filed with the county recorder of any county shall be securely fastened by the county recorder into a suitable book provided...
- Section 8770.5.
Any record of survey filed under the provisions of this chapter may be amended to show any course or distance that was omitted therefrom, or...
- Section 8770.6.
The use of the word “certify” or “certification” by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer in the practice of professional engineering or land...
- Section 8771.
(a) Monuments set shall be sufficient in number and durability and efficiently placed so as not to be readily disturbed, to ensure, together with monuments already...
- Section 8771.5.
When coordinates in the California Coordinate System are shown for points on a record of survey map the map may not be recorded unless it...
- Section 8772.
Any monument set by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer to mark or reference a point on a property or land line shall...
- Section 8773.
(a) Except as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 8773.4, a person authorized to practice land surveying in this state shall complete, sign, stamp with his...
- Section 8773.1.
The board shall by regulation provide and prescribe the information which shall be necessary to be included in the corner record and the board shall...
- Section 8773.2.
(a) A “corner record” submitted to the county surveyor or engineer shall be examined by him or her for compliance with subdivision (d) of Section 8765...
- Section 8773.3.
In every case where a corner record is filed pursuant to Section 8773, the licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer shall reconstruct or rehabilitate...
- Section 8773.4.
(a) A corner record shall be signed by a licensed land surveyor or licensed civil engineer and stamped with his or her seal, or in the...
- Section 8774.
(a) The right of entry upon or to real property to investigate and utilize boundary evidence, and to perform surveys, is a right of persons legally...
- Section 8774.5.
(a) Upon the filing of a record of survey, amended record of survey, or certificate of correction for recordation pursuant to this chapter, the surveyor or...
Last modified: October 22, 2018