California Business and Professions Code ARTICLE 3 - Licensing
- Section 6530.
(a) On and after January 1, 2009, no person shall act or hold himself or herself out to the public as a professional fiduciary unless that...
- Section 6531.
A professional fiduciary shall not operate with an expired, suspended, retired, canceled, or revoked license.(Amended by Stats. 2014, Ch. 336, Sec. 1. (AB 2024) Effective...
- Section 6532.
A person who has been licensed by the bureau may identify himself or herself as a “licensed professional fiduciary.”(Added by Stats. 2006, Ch. 491, Sec....
- Section 6533.
In order to meet the qualifications for licensure as a professional fiduciary a person shall meet all of the following requirements:(a) Be at least 21 years...
- Section 6533.5.
Criminal offender record information shall be obtained on each applicant as provided in this section.(a) Each applicant shall submit fingerprint images to the Department of Justice...
- Section 6534.
(a) The bureau shall maintain the following information in each licensee’s file, shall make this information available to a court for any purpose, including the determination...
- Section 6535.
The bureau shall approve or deny licensure in a timely manner to applicants who apply for licensure. Upon approval of a license, the bureau shall...
- Section 6536.
The bureau shall review all applications for licensure and may investigate an applicant’s qualifications for licensure. The bureau shall approve those applications that meet the...
- Section 6537.
The bureau may deny a license for the reasons specified in Section 480 or 6536. An applicant notified of the denial of his or her...
- Section 6538.
(a) To qualify for licensure, an applicant shall have completed 30 hours of prelicensing education courses provided by an educational program approved by the bureau.(b) To renew...
- Section 6539.
As a requirement for licensure, an applicant shall take and pass the licensing examination administered by the bureau. The bureau shall determine the frequency with...
- Section 6540.
Individuals, entities, agencies, and associations that propose to offer educational programs qualifying for the prelicensing educational or continuing educational requirements of this chapter shall apply...
- Section 6541.
(a) A license shall expire one year after it was issued on the last day of the month in which it was issued.(b) A license may be...
- Section 6541.1.
A license that is not renewed within three years following its expiration shall not be renewed, restored, or reinstated, and the license shall be canceled...
- Section 6542.
(a) The bureau may establish, by regulation, a system for the placement of a license into retired status, upon application and submission to the bureau of...
Last modified: October 22, 2018