Amendment or Repeal of Measure.
This measure may be amended or repealed by either of the procedures set forth in this section. If any portion of subsection (a) is declared invalid, then subsection (b) shall be the exclusive means of amending or repealing this measure.
(a) This measure may be amended to further its purposes by statute, passed in each house by rollcall vote entered in the journal, two-thirds of the membership concurring and signed by the Governor, if at least 20 days prior to passage in each house the bill in its final form has been delivered to the Secretary of State for distribution to the news media.
(b) This measure may be amended or repealed by a statute that becomes effective only when approved by the electors.
(Added June 3, 1986, by initiative Proposition 51, Sec. 6. Note: In the text, "this measure" refers to Prop. 51 (the Fair Responsibility Act of 1986), which includes Sections 1431.1 to 1431.5 and part of Section 1431.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018