Instructional Improvement and Accountability
The amount transferred to Section B of the State School Fund pursuant to Section 8.5 of Article XVI of the State Constitution shall to the maximum extent feasible be expended or encumbered during the year received solely for the purposes of instructional improvement and accountability.
(a) For the purposes of this section, “instructional improvement and accountability” shall mean expenditures for instructional activities for college sites which directly benefit the instruction of students and shall be limited to expenditures for the following:
(1) Programs which require individual assessment and counseling of students for the purpose of designing a curriculum for each student and establishing a period of time within which to achieve the goals of that curriculum and the support services needed to achieve these goals, provided that any such program shall first have been approved by the Board of Governors of Community Colleges.
(2) Instructional supplies, instructional equipment, and instructional materials and support services necessary to improve campus conditions.
(3) Faculty development which improves instruction and increases the quality and effectiveness of instructional staff, as mutually determined by faculty and the community college district governing board.
(4) Compensation of faculty.
(b) Funds transferred to each community college district pursuant to this section shall be deposited in a separate account and shall be maintained and appropriated separately from funds from all other sources. Funds appropriated pursuant to this section shall supplement other resources of each community college district and shall not supplant funds appropriated from any other source.
(Added November 8, 1988, by initiative Proposition 98, Sec. 10. Note: Prop. 98 is titled The Classroom Instructional Improvement and Accountability Act.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018