(a) (1) Each center shall annually submit a report to the department that includes appropriate data, presented in a format developed jointly with the department, that reflects each center’s progress toward meeting its stated objectives, including pupil academic performance, meeting the continued educational and cultural needs of the community that the center serves, and any other objectives chosen by the center.
(2) On or before January 1, 2021, and every five years thereafter, the department shall report all of the following information to the appropriate fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature:
(A) Consolidated results for all centers, consistent with federal law regarding the privacy of pupil information.
(B) Information required to evaluate the consolidated results.
(C) Recommendations for program improvement.
(b) The centers shall maintain sound fiscal policies. The department shall provide technical assistance and training to the centers in order to assist the centers to maintain sound fiscal policies. The department may require an annual program audit. However, if the department deems it fiscally unsound for the centers to provide an annual audit, a fiscal review shall suffice.
(c) The department shall provide technical assistance and professional development to the directors of the California American Indian education centers throughout the year that shall include timely documented responses and professional guidance meant to improve center programs.
(Amended by Stats. 2016, Ch. 490, Sec. 1. (SB 911) Effective January 1, 2017.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018