Instructional Improvement and Accountability.
The amount transferred to Section A of the State School Fund pursuant to Section 8.5 of Article XVI of the State Constitution shall to the maximum extent feasible be expended or encumbered during the fiscal year received and solely for the purpose of instructional improvement and accountability.
(a) For the purpose of this section, “instructional improvement and accountability” shall mean expenditures for instructional activities for school sites which directly benefit the instruction of students, and shall be limited to expenditures for the following:
(1) Lower pupil-teacher ratios until a ratio is attained of not more than 20 students per teacher providing direct instruction in any class, and until a goal is attained of total teacher loads of less than 100 total students per teacher in all secondary school classes in academic subjects as defined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
(2) Instructional supplies, instructional equipment, instructional materials and support services necessary to improve school conditions.
(3) Direct student services needed to ensure that each student makes academic progress necessary to be promoted to the next appropriate grade level.
(4) Staff development which improves services to students or increases the quality and effectiveness of instructional staff, designed and implemented by classroom teachers and other participating school district personnel, including the school principal, with the aid of outside personnel as necessary. Classroom teachers shall comprise the majority of any group designated to design such staff development programs for instructional personnel.
(5) Compensation of teachers.
(b) Funds transferred to each school district, pursuant to this section shall be deposited in a separate account and shall be maintained and appropriated separately from funds from all other sources. Funds appropriated pursuant to this section shall supplement other resources of each school district and shall not supplant any other funds.
(Added November 8, 1988, by initiative Proposition 98, Sec. 9.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018