California Education Code Section 42282

CA Educ Code § 42282 (2017)  

For each district with fewer than 2,501 units of second principal apportionment average daily attendance, on account of each necessary small school, the Superintendent shall make the following computations:

(a) For each necessary small school which has an average daily attendance during the fiscal year of less than 25, exclusive of pupils attending the 7th and 8th grades of a junior high school, and for which school at least one teacher was hired full time, the Superintendent shall compute for the school district fifty-two thousand nine hundred twenty-five dollars ($52,925).

(b) For each necessary small school which has an average daily attendance during the fiscal year of 25 or more and less than 49, exclusive of pupils attending the 7th and 8th grades of a junior high school, and for which school at least two teachers were hired full time for more than one-half of the days schools were maintained, the Superintendent shall compute for the school district one hundred five thousand eight hundred fifty dollars ($105,850).

(c) For each necessary small school which has an average daily attendance during the fiscal year of 49 or more, but less than 73, exclusive of pupils attending the 7th and 8th grades of a junior high school, and for which school three teachers were hired full time for more than one-half of the days schools were maintained, the Superintendent shall compute for the school district one hundred fifty-eight thousand seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($158,775).

(d) For each necessary small school which has an average daily attendance during the fiscal year of 73 or more and less than 97, exclusive of pupils attending the 7th and 8th grades of a junior high school, and for which school four teachers were hired full time for more than one-half of the days schools were maintained, the Superintendent shall compute for the school district two hundred eleven thousand seven hundred dollars ($211,700).

(e) A school district that continues to satisfy the criteria specified in Section 42283 may use this funding calculation until the local control funding formula grade span adjusted base grant calculated pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 42238.02 produces state aid equal to the small school funding formula.

(Amended by Stats. 2015, Ch. 19, Sec. 83. (SB 78) Effective June 24, 2015.)

Last modified: October 25, 2018