California Education Code Section 8483.76

CA Educ Code § 8483.76 (2017)  

(a) A school that establishes a program pursuant to Section 8483.7 or 8483.75 is eligible to receive a summer grant to operate the program in excess of 180 regular schooldays or during any combination of summer, weekends, intersession, or vacation periods for a maximum of either 30 percent of the total grant amount awarded, per school year, to the school, or thirty-three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($33,750) for each regular school year for each elementary school and forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) for each regular school year for each middle or junior high school.

(b) An existing after school summer grantee may operate a three-hour or a six-hour per day program. If the grantee operates a six-hour per day program, the target attendance level for the purpose of grant reductions pursuant to subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 8483.7 shall be computed as if the grant award were based upon the lesser of fifteen dollars ($15) per day of pupil attendance or 30 percent of the total grant awarded to the school per school year.

(c) A summer grantee that operates a program pursuant to this section may change the location of the program to address the needs of pupils and school closures. The program may be conducted at an offsite location or at an alternate schoolsite. The summer grantee shall give notice to the department of the change of location and shall include a plan to provide safe transportation pursuant to Section 8484.6.

(d) A summer grantee that operates a program pursuant to this section may open eligibility to every pupil attending a school in the school district. Priority for enrollment shall be given to the pupils enrolled in the school that receives the grant.

(e) A summer grantee operating a six-hour per day program shall provide for each needy pupil at least one nutritionally adequate free or reduced-price meal during each program day.

(f) A summer grantee that operates a six-hour per day program is required to submit, for prior approval by the department, a revised program plan that includes all of the following:

(1) A plan for provision of the free or reduced-price meal required by subdivision (e).

(2) An attendance and early release policy for the program that is consistent with the local educational agency’s early release policy for the regular schoolday.

(Amended by Stats. 2014, Ch. 370, Sec. 17. (SB 1221) Effective January 1, 2015.)

Last modified: October 25, 2018