In accordance with Part B of Title IV of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110), funds appropriated in Item 6110-197-0890 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2002 are available for expenditure as follows, with any subsequent allocations for these purposes to be determined in the annual Budget Act:
(a) Beginning with the 2006–07 fiscal year, 5 percent of the federal funds appropriated through this article shall be available to the department for purposes of providing technical assistance, evaluation, and training services, and for contracting for local technical assistance, for carrying out programs related to 21st Century Community Learning Centers programs.
(1) The department shall provide directly, or contract for, technical assistance for new programs and any program that is not meeting attendance or performance goals, or both, and requests that assistance.
(2) (A) Training and support shall include, but is not limited to, the development and distribution of voluntary guidelines for physical activity programs established pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 8482.3, that expand the learning opportunities of the schoolday.
(B) The department shall distribute these voluntary guidelines for physical activity programs on or before July 1, 2009.
(3) In accordance with Part B of Title IV of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110), funding for programs that promote parent involvement and family literacy are an allowable use of these funds.
(b) (1) At least 5 percent of the total amount appropriated pursuant to this article, after funds have been allocated pursuant to subdivision (a), shall be available for grants to provide equitable access and participation in community learning center programs, in an amount not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per site, per year, according to needs determined by the local community.
(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), the department shall determine the requirements for eligibility for a grant, consistent with the following:
(A) Consistent with the local partnership approach inherent in Article 22.5 (commencing with Section 8482), grants awarded under this subdivision shall provide supplemental assistance to programs. It is not intended that a grant fund the full anticipated costs of the services provided by a community learning center program.
(B) In determining the need for a grant pursuant to this subdivision, the department shall base its determination on a needs assessment and a determination that existing resources are not available to meet these needs, including, but not limited to, a description of how the needs, strengths, and resources of the community have been assessed, currently available resources, and the justification for additional resources for that purpose.
(C) The department shall award grants for a specific purpose, as justified by the applicant.
(3) To be eligible to receive a grant under this subdivision, the designated public agency representative for the applicant shall certify that an annual fiscal audit will be conducted and that adequate, accurate records will be kept. In addition, each applicant shall provide the department with the assurance that funds received under this subdivision are expended only for those services and supports for which they are granted. The department shall require grant recipients to submit annual budget reports, and the department may withhold funds in subsequent years if after school grant funds are expended for purposes other than as awarded.
(4) The department shall require grant recipients to submit quarterly expenditure reports, and the department may withhold funds in subsequent years if access or literacy grant funds are expended for purposes other than as granted.
(c) At least 50 percent of the total amount appropriated pursuant to this article, after funds have been allocated pursuant to subdivision (a), shall be allocated on a priority basis for after school grants to community learning centers serving high school pupils funded pursuant to Section 8421. The department shall allocate funds to each geographic region described in subdivision (a) of Section 8423 by the regional percentage of statewide pupils who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals reported to the department for the immediately preceding fiscal year. Each region’s percentage shall be determined by dividing the region’s number of pupils eligible for free or reduced-price meals by the statewide number of pupils eligible for free or reduced-price meals.
(d) Grant awards under this section shall be restricted to those applications that propose primarily to serve pupils that attend schoolwide programs, as described in Title I of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110). Competitive priority shall be given to applications that propose to serve pupils in schools designated as being in need of improvement under subsection (b) of Section 6316 of Title 20 of the United States Code, and that are jointly submitted by school districts and community-based organizations.
(e) (1) At least 40 percent of the total amount appropriated pursuant to this article, after funds have been allocated pursuant to subdivision (a), shall be allocated to programs serving elementary and middle school pupils. The department shall allocate funds to each geographic region described in subdivision (k) by the regional percentage of statewide pupils who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals reported to the department for the immediately preceding fiscal year. Each region’s percentage shall be determined by dividing the region’s number of pupils eligible for free or reduced-price meals by the statewide number of pupils eligible for free or reduced-price meals. The administrators of a program established pursuant to this article may operate during regular schooldays for a minimum of 15 hours per week and any combination of summer, intersession, or vacation periods for a minimum of three hours per day for the regular school year pursuant to Section 8483.7. Grantees administering comprehensive programs established pursuant to Section 8482.3 are also eligible for funding for summer, intersession, or vacation periods pursuant to this section.
(2) After school and summer funding grants for programs serving middle and elementary school pupils shall be allocated according to the same funding provisions, and subject to the same reporting and accountability provisions, as described in Sections 8483.7 and 8483.75.
(3) Priority shall be given to grant applications that will provide year-round expanded learning programming, including programs that complement existing funded programs. Year-round expanded learning programs are defined as any combination of an applicant that provides year-round programming, an applicant that offers summer programming to complement existing after school programs, or an applicant that offers after school programs to complement existing summer programs. The applicant is not required to be the same entity that operates the existing program, but shall identify the grantee with whom the applicant is coordinating for the purpose of providing year-round programming.
(4) (A) Funding for a grant shall be allocated in annual increments for a period not to exceed five years, subject to annual reporting and recertification as required by the department. The department shall establish a payment system to accommodate upfront payments. The department shall notify new grantees, whose grant awards are contingent upon the appropriation of funds for those grants, in writing no later than May 15 of each year in which new grants are awarded. A first-year grant award shall be made no later than 60 days after enactment of the annual Budget Act and any authorizing legislation. A grant award for the second and subsequent fiscal years shall be made no later than 30 days after enactment of the annual Budget Act and any authorizing legislation. The grantee shall notify the department in writing of its acceptance of the grant.
(B) For the first year of a grant, the department shall allocate 25 percent of the grant for that year no later than 30 days after the grantee accepts the grant. For the second and subsequent years of the grant, the department shall allocate 25 percent of the grant for that year no later than 30 days after the annual Budget Act becomes effective. The grantee shall not use more than 15 percent of an annual grant award for administrative costs.
(C) In addition to the funding allowed for administrative costs under subparagraph (B), up to 15 percent of the initial annual grant award for each after school grant recipient may be used for startup costs.
(D) Under no circumstance shall funding made available pursuant to subparagraphs (B) and (C) result in an increase in the total funding of a grantee above the approved grant amount.
(5) A grantee shall identify the federal, state, and local programs that will be combined or coordinated with the proposed program for the most effective use of public resources, and shall prepare a plan for continuing the program beyond federal grant funding.
(6) A grantee shall submit semiannual attendance data and results to facilitate evaluation and compliance in accordance with provisions established by the department.
(7) A program receiving a grant under this subdivision is not assured of grant renewal from future state or federal funding at the conclusion of the grant period. However, priority for funding pursuant to this subdivision shall be given to programs with expiring grants, if those programs have satisfactorily met projected pupil outcomes pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 8484.
(f) A total annual grant award for after school funding and grants for a site serving elementary or middle school pupils shall be fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per year or more, consistent with federal requirements.
(g) Notwithstanding any other law, and contingent upon the availability of funding, the department may adjust the after school grant cap of any grantee based upon one or both of the following:
(1) Amendments made to this section by Chapter 555 of the Statutes of 2005.
(2) The demonstrated pupil attendance pattern of the grantee. The department may adjust grant awards pursuant to subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 8483.7.
(h) Funds received but unexpended under this article may be carried forward to subsequent years consistent with federal requirements. In year one, the full grant may be retained.
(i) If funds remain after all of the priority allocations required pursuant to subdivisions (a), (b), (c), and (e) have been made, the department may use that money to fund additional qualified grant applications under subdivision (c), in order to ensure that all federal funds received for these purposes are expended for these purposes. If funds remain after additional qualified grant applications are approved for funding pursuant to subdivision (c), the department may award the remaining funds for additional qualified grant applications pursuant to subdivisions (b) and (e).
(j) In any fiscal year in which the total state appropriation for that fiscal year exceeds the total state appropriation for the 2008–09 fiscal year after funds have been allocated pursuant to subdivision (a), the excess amount shall be allocated on a priority basis for after school grants to community learning centers funded pursuant to Section 8421 as follows:
(1) Thirty-five percent to community learning centers serving high school pupils.
(2) Fifty percent to community learning centers serving elementary and middle school pupils.
(3) Fifteen percent to summer programs serving elementary and middle school pupils.
(k) (1) To the extent possible, the selection of applicants by the department pursuant to this article shall result in an equitable distribution of grant awards to applicants in northern, southern, and central California, and in urban and rural areas of the state.
(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(A) “Central California” means California County Superintendents Educational Services Association regions five to eight, inclusive.
(B) “Northern California” means California County Superintendents Educational Services Association regions one to four, inclusive.
(C) “Southern California” means California County Superintendents Educational Services Association regions 9 to 11, inclusive.
(D) “Urban and rural areas” shall be as defined by the United States Census Bureau.
(l) This article shall be operative only to the extent that federal funds are made available for the purposes of this article. It is the intent of the Legislature that this article not be considered a precedent for general fund augmentation of either the state administered, federally funded program of this article, or any other state funded before or after school program.
(Amended by Stats. 2016, Ch. 470, Sec. 14. (AB 2615) Effective January 1, 2017.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018