California Education Code ARTICLE 1 - General Powers—School Boards

  • Section 49400.
    The governing board of any school district shall give diligent care to the health and physical development of pupils, and may employ properly certified persons...
  • Section 49401.5.
    (a) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section to express its concern for the health and safety of school pupils and school...
  • Section 49402.
    Contracts between any city, county, or local health district and the governing board of any school district located wholly or partially within such city, county,...
  • Section 49403.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other law, the governing board of a school district shall cooperate with the local health officer in measures necessary for the prevention and...
  • Section 49405.
    The control of smallpox is under the direction of the State Department of Health Services, and no rule or regulation on the subject of vaccination...
  • Section 49406.
    (a) (1) (A) Except as provided in subdivision (j), a person shall not be initially employed by a school district, or employed under contract, in a certificated or...
  • Section 49407.
    Notwithstanding any provision of any law, no school district, officer of any school district, school principal, physician, or hospital treating any child enrolled in any...
  • Section 49408.
    For the protection of a pupil’s health and welfare, the governing board of a school district may require the parent or legal guardian of a...
  • Section 49409.
    Notwithstanding any provision of any law, no physician and surgeon who in good faith and without compensation renders voluntary emergency medical assistance to a participant...
  • Section 49410.
    (a) The Legislature finds that:(1) There is substantial scientific and medical evidence that human exposure to asbestos fibers significantly increases the likelihood of contracting cancer and other...
  • Section 49410.2.
    School districts and county offices of education may apply to the State Allocation Board pursuant to Section 39619.6 for funds for the purposes of containment...
  • Section 49410.5.
    (a) The State Allocation Board shall retain all information provided by school districts making application for funds pursuant to Sections 39619.6, 39619.7, and 39619.8 regarding the...
  • Section 49410.7.
    (a) For purposes of funding pursuant to Section 39619.9, the factors determining the need for abatement of friable asbestos or potentially friable asbestos shall include, but...
  • Section 49411.
    (a) The State Department of Education, in cooperation with the Division of Occupational Safety and Health within the Department of Industrial Relations, shall formulate a listing...
  • Section 49412.
    (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), counties and school districts, in the utilization of funds allocated pursuant to any appropriation from any account in the...
  • Section 49413.
    (a) The Legislature recognizes the importance of first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. In enacting this section, it is the intent of the Legislature to encourage...
  • Section 49414.
    (a) School districts, county offices of education, and charter schools shall provide emergency epinephrine auto-injectors to school nurses or trained personnel who have volunteered pursuant to...
  • Section 49414.3.
    (a) School districts, county offices of education, and charter schools may provide emergency naloxone hydrochloride or another opioid antagonist to school nurses or trained personnel who...
  • Section 49414.5.
    (a) In the absence of a credentialed school nurse or other licensed nurse onsite at the school, each school district may provide school personnel with voluntary...
  • Section 49415.
    On or before July 1, 2004, the State Board of Education shall adopt maximum weight standards for textbooks used by pupils in elementary and secondary...
  • Section 49417.
    (a) A public school may solicit and receive nonstate funds to acquire and maintain an automated external defibrillator (AED). These funds shall only be used to...

Last modified: October 22, 2018