California Elections Code ARTICLE 1 - Improper Signature-Gathering Tactics

  • Section 18600.
    Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who:(a) Circulating, as principal or agent, or having charge or control of the circulation of, or obtaining signatures to,...
  • Section 18601.
    Any person working for the proponent or proponents of an initiative or referendum measure or recall petition who refuses to allow a prospective signer to...
  • Section 18602.
    Any person working for the proponent or proponents of a statewide initiative or referendum measure who covers or otherwise obscures the summary of the measure...
  • Section 18603.
    Every person who offers or gives money or other valuable consideration to another in exchange for his or her signature on a state, county, municipal,...
  • Section 18604.
    Upon conviction of a violation of any provision of this article, Article 2 (commencing with Section 18610), Article 3 (commencing with Section 18620), Article 5...

Last modified: October 22, 2018