California Elections Code ARTICLE 1 - Members
- Section 7400.
In each county containing less than five Assembly districts, a county central committee shall be elected by supervisor districts, and the number to be elected...
- Section 7400.1.
(a) Notwithstanding Sections 7400 and 7401, in the County of Sacramento, the county central committee shall be elected by supervisor districts, and the number to be...
- Section 7400.2.
Notwithstanding Sections 7400 and 7401, in the County of Placer, the county central committee shall be elected by supervisor districts and shall be composed of...
- Section 7400.3.
(a) Notwithstanding Sections 7400 and 7401, in the County of Santa Clara, the county central committee shall be elected by supervisor districts, and the number to...
- Section 7400.5.
(a) Notwithstanding Sections 7400 and 7401, in the County of San Bernardino, the county central committee shall be elected by supervisor districts, and the number to...
- Section 7401.
In each county containing more than four and less than 20 Assembly districts, a county central committee shall be elected from Assembly districts and shall...
- Section 7402.
In each county containing 20 or more Assembly districts a county central committee shall consist of seven members elected from each Assembly district contained either...
- Section 7403.
(a) In the City and County of San Francisco, the county central committee shall be elected from the two Assembly districts located in the city and...
- Section 7404.
(a) In each county, the nominee of the party for State Senator, the nominees of the party for the Assembly, and any person nominated to either...
- Section 7405.
The nominee for each of the following offices shall be an ex officio member of the committee in the county in which he or she...
- Section 7406.
A committee may authorize each elected member and each ex officio member of that committee to appoint an alternate member. An ex officio member who...
- Section 7407.
A person shall not be eligible for appointment or election to a committee who is not registered as affiliated with this party at the time...
- Section 7409.
In the event that the candidates elected to a committee from a district do not equal the number of party committeemembers to which that district...
- Section 7410.
In the event of the appointment or election to a committee of an ineligible person, or whenever any member of the committee dies, resigns or...
- Section 7411.
(a) Any member of a committee, other than an ex officio member, who misses four regularly called meetings within one 12-month period shall be removed from...
- Section 7412.
The removal of residence by an elected or appointed member of a committee from the Assembly district or supervisor district from which he or she...
- Section 7413.
A committee may remove any member, other than an ex officio member, who during his or her term of membership affiliates with, or registers as...
- Section 7414.
Whenever any person is appointed to fill a vacancy on a committee, the chairperson of the committee shall file notices of the appointment with the...
Last modified: October 22, 2018