California Elections Code ARTICLE 1 - Initiative and Referendum Petitions

  • Section 9000.
    This article applies only to initiative and referendum measures affecting the Constitution or laws of the state.(Enacted by Stats. 1994, Ch. 920, Sec. 2.)
  • Section 9001.
    (a) Before the circulation of an initiative or referendum petition for signatures, the text of the proposed measure shall be submitted to the Attorney General with...
  • Section 9002.
    (a) Upon receipt of a request from the proponents of a proposed initiative measure for a circulating title and summary, the Attorney General shall initiate a...
  • Section 9003.
    In the event that the Attorney General is a proponent of a proposed measure, the circulating title and summary of the chief purpose and points...
  • Section 9004.
    (a) Upon receipt of the text of a proposed initiative measure, and after the public review period provided for in Section 9002, the Attorney General shall...
  • Section 9005.
    (a) The Attorney General, in preparing a circulating title and summary for a proposed initiative measure, shall, in boldface print, include in the circulating title and...
  • Section 9006.
    (a) Upon receipt of the text of a proposed referendum, the Attorney General shall prepare a circulating title and summary of the chief purpose and points...
  • Section 9007.
    Immediately upon the preparation of the circulating title and summary of a proposed initiative or referendum measure, the Attorney General shall forthwith transmit copies of...
  • Section 9008.
    Every proposed initiative measure, prior to circulation, shall have placed across the top of the petition in 12-point or larger roman boldface type, all of...
  • Section 9009.
    The heading of an initiative petition shall be in substantially the following form:Initiative Measure to Be Submitted Directly to the VotersThe Attorney General of California...
  • Section 9010.
    Across the top of each page of a referendum petition, there shall be printed in 12-point boldface type the following:“Referendum Against an Act Passed by...
  • Section 9011.
    Across the top of each page after the first page of every referendum petition or section of a referendum petition, which is prepared and circulated,...
  • Section 9012.
    Any petition for a proposed initiative measure or referendum may be presented in sections, but each section shall contain a full and correct copy of...
  • Section 9013.
    A space at least one inch wide shall be left blank across the top of each page of every initiative and referendum petition and after...
  • Section 9014.
    (a) A petition for a proposed initiative or referendum measure shall not be circulated for signatures prior to the official summary date.(b) Subject to subdivision (d), a...
  • Section 9015.
    Officers required by law to receive or file in their offices any initiative or referendum petition shall not receive or file any initiative or referendum...
  • Section 9016.
    (a) Notwithstanding Section 324, for purposes of subdivision (c) of Section 8 of, and subdivision (c) of Section 9 of, Article II of the California Constitution,...
  • Section 9017.
    If, for any reason, any initiative or referendum measure proposed by petition as provided by this article is not submitted to the voters at the...
  • Section 9018.
    The Secretary of State shall prepare and provide to any person, upon request, a pamphlet describing the procedures and requirements for preparing and circulating a...

Last modified: October 22, 2018