An industrial loan company may contract for, collect, and receive at the time of making the loan or at any time thereafter, any of the following:
(a) Any cost of publication as required by law.
(b) The statutory fee paid by it to any public officer for acknowledging, filing, recording, or releasing in any public office any instrument securing the loan or executed in connection with a loan.
(c) Premiums of the kind and to the extent described in paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of Section 226.4 of Regulation Z promulgated by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (12 C.F.R. 226.1 et seq.).
These amounts are not included in computing the maximum charges which may be made under this division.
(Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 199, Sec. 2.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018