California Fish and Game Code Section 1016

CA Fish & Game Code § 1016 (2017)  

(a) Whenever the department determines that an oil sump, as defined by Section 3780 of the Public Resources Code, is hazardous to wildlife, but does not constitute an immediate and grave danger to wildlife, the department shall forthwith notify the State Oil and Gas Supervisor of such condition in order that he may take action pursuant to Section 3783 of the Public Resources Code to have such condition cleaned up or abated. The department in making such notification shall specify the hazardous conditions.

(b) Whenever the department determines that an oil sump, as defined by Section 3780 of the Public Resources Code, constitutes an immediate and grave danger to wildlife, the department shall forthwith notify the State Oil and Gas Supervisor of such condition in order that he may take action pursuant to Section 3784 of the Public Resources Code to have such condition cleaned up or abated. The department, in making such notification, shall specify the immediate and grave danger.

(c) The commission shall promulgate such rules and regulations as are necessary to implement the provisions of this section, including a reasonable definition of the term “hazardous” for the purposes of this section. It is the intent of the Legislature that the department adopt, as a part of such rules and regulations, a definition of the term “wildlife,” as herein employed, which will provide for reasonable exclusions consistent with effectuating the wildlife protection purposes of this section.

(d) No provision of this section shall be construed as a limitation on the authority or responsibilities of the department with respect to the enforcement or administration of any provision of state law which it is authorized or required to enforce or administer.

(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 1076.)

Last modified: October 25, 2018